Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fighting Off The Cold Naturally!

It's that time of year again, cold and flu season! As a mom of two young boys I feel like I am constantly trying to fight off a cold and fearing that any day they too are going to come in contact with the flu or the cold bug. I found an interesting article that shares several natural ways to fight off the cold and to help raise their immune systems. To learn more follow the link,

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Now Following Twitter Moms

Twitter Moms: The Influential Moms Network

Featured on Celebrity Baby Blog

Check out Celebrity Baby Blog's post "Great Green Gifts for Kids and Moms." Grow Green Baby's featured product, Little Twig Baby Basics Gift Set happens to be on there list. To see more green gifts or to purchase this gift set shop now at!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Organic, It's Worth It!

The Organic Trade Association this week launched its new consumer web site,
The site will help consumers make the connection between the people and places involved in organic production, and better understand the attributes that make organic worth it.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cleaning Products Come Clean?

It's about time cleaning products are held accountable for those "seceret ingredients" they've been hiding under their radars for so many years. There's no telling what toxic junk we have all been spraying in the air and on surfaces thinking we are doing good. In reality, we are doing great harm to ourselves and the environment. Not to mention the damage it could be causing to infants and young children. It's time more companies let us consumers know what we are really buying!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chemicals Found in Pregnant Women

No matter how dedicated you are to eating only organic foods and having the knowledge of dangerous chemicals found in everyday lotions and deodorants, preventing toxic chemicals from entering your blood stream and passing onto your unborn child is beyond your control! In a new study released today that tested levels of chemicals in pregnant women significant traces of PFOS(Telfon Chemicals), bisphenol A, mercury and phthalates were found. The womb,the environment that most needs to be kept safe, is not free of toxic pollutions.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Baby on a Soapbox

Check out these adorable videos of babies crawling to Washington to demand toxic chemical policy reform!

Join the Million Baby Crawl!

Babies everywhere are crawling to Washington to say "no" to toxic chemicals found in their homes. Join the crawl and demand toxic chemical policy reform from congress. Learn more,

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Healthy Tips!

I found a great article on why you should buy organic and avoid pesticides and toxic chemicals such as BPA and PFC's. Young children and pregnant woman are espeically at risk.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

NC Conservation Auction!

Holiday season is nearly upon us, and you may soon be looking for the perfect gift for friends and family. Or maybe you'd just like to find a good deal on a little something for yourself.The NC Conservation Network’s holiday auction has more than 200 sustainable gifts, unique experiences, and trips near and far. Whatever you are looking for, you can find it by visiting and your gifts will be delivered free of charge.The starting bid for most items is half of their retail value, so they’ve got some great deals. Here are a few of the items you can bid on:
many ways to Go Green!;beautiful necklaces, bracelets, and earrings; trips across North Carolina and travel further away;yoga, massage, reiki and other ways to improve your health and well-being;and much much more!You can even create your own list to keep tabs on your favorite items. Just click on the "Register" link at the top of the page and then click the "Add to My Items" link on your favorite gifts.
Proceeds benefit the NC Conservation Network and their efforts to protect North Carolina’s air, water, and quality of life. Learn more by visiting

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Combat Flu and Cold Season Naturally

I am a firm believer in homeopathic remedies. Look into my medicine cabinet and you will find an array of herbs and natural supplements to help. With the cold and flu season fast approaching and the scare of H1N1 I want to protect my family and myself! I found an interesting article in our local paper suggesting all kinds of natural healing herbs and surprisingly Vitamin D. Read this article to learn how to protect your family the natural way!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Celebrities Love Bamboo!

Don't just take my word for it! Bamboo is hot with celebrities. Read this article to see whom in Hollywood can't get enough of Bamboo. Check out our latest Bamboo Clothing from Beba Bean.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Natural Skincare During Pregnancy

Interested in learning more about the importance of natural skincare during pregnancy? Read this article, Belli Skincare offers the safest skincare line during and after pregnancy.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Green Your Baby's Nursery

Greening your baby's nursery is crucial considering they could spend 14-17 hours of the day sleeping and the remaining 7-10 hours feeding, diaper changing, and playing in this one room of the house. I found an article that makes greening your babies nursery not only easy, but cost efficient. From the type of flooring, walls, curtains and cleaning products you choose as well as your babies crib furniture, mattress and toys all can propose a hazard to your babies health. Check out this article,
to help you reduce the toxins in your babies nursery so you and your baby can rest easy at night!
Let Grow Green Baby help you with your Green Baby's Nursery. We offer Naturepedic Organic Crib Mattresses, Organic Changing Pads, PVC and BPA free toys!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Bamboo Baby!

What Are The Benefits of Bamboo in Baby Clothes? When it comes to organic baby clothes, bamboo is the best option for babies. It’s naturally hypo-allergenic and anti-bacterial, it prevents odor, allergies, and skin irritations. Bamboo is an exceptional choice for parents that face the challenges of sensitive skin conditions such as eczema.
Additionally, bamboo is a thermal-regulating fabric, which is very important for newborns who naturally have difficulty keeping a consistent and comfortable body temperature. With the ability to keep your baby cool in the summer and warm in the winter, it's both a smart and economical choice.
For all of you green-minded parents out there, you'll be happy to know that, since bamboo is a grass that grows in the same way as weeds, it is the fastest growing plant in the world today; in fact, it has the ability to grow three feet in just one day! The most replenishable natural resource available.
Finally, if you're wondering how bamboo looks and feels, you're in for a pleasant surprise. It’s as soft as the most expensive Egyptian cotton and laundries well too!
Check out our new line of Bamboo Clothing from Beba Bean. We have Kimono Wrap Infant Sacques with matching hats. They make the perfect gift for a Green Baby shower.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Yes to Swaddling!

I am a proud mother of a new baby boy, Camden! He was born July 5 and weighing the average 7.9 lbs. I remember the first time I was able to hold him was shortly after my C-section. He was brought to me in those generic hospital receiving blankets. You know what I am talking about. The small white blankets with blue and pink stripes. Well, it's the perfect swaddle blanket the first few weeks. In my case two weeks at the most. My son was very active and by the second week if not sooner he was able to wiggle his way out of the blanket. Needless to say he would wake up because his arms would startle him.
I am a huge fan of Swaddling. I do believe it helps to calm babies into sleep and sleep longer periods at a time. I found the best swaddle blanket. Made by SwaddleDesigns, these swaddle blankets are large enough so that after many attempts of trying to "esacape" my son was not able to get out. Therefore, he sleeps longer which makes for a happier baby and a happier mother. SwaddleDesigns now offers swaddle blankets in organic cotton and organic flannel. The blanket designs are fun and stylish which is hard to find when you're looking for organic! The company has even ventured into organic bibs and burps, towels and washcloths and the ZipMe Sacks for those babies ready to transition out of the swaddle blanket!! To see their selection go to! You will say Yes to Swaddling when you do!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Plastics-The Hormone Disrupter

Plastic is the number one substance used in our society for the storage of food and beverages for consumption. Plastic is easy and cost efficient to make, it is nice and clear so we can see through it, and it is quite durable. However, hiding out inside most plastics are substances that are harmful to you and your children. Bisphenol A, better known as BPA, is a key building block in plastics. In the United States alone more than 2.3 billion pounds of BPA is manufactured annually. BPA is used in polycarbonate plastics to help with the strength, clearness, and yes for anti-corroding purposes. In fact many tin cans, such as soup cans and baby formula cans are coated on the inside with BPA to prevent corrosion. The problem is BPA is leaking into our beverages and food and corroding our bodies.
Bisphenol A is a substance that mimics the hormone estrogen when it is in our bodies. Although all of us produce estrogen, yes including males, too much or too little of the substance can cause significant health problems. Some of the more common side effects of increased/decreased estrogen are an increase in body fat and weight gain, depression, anxiety, cyclical migraines, impairs blood sugar control, interferes with thyroid hormone function, and neural and behavioral problems in children. Currently much research is being done on the affects of BPA on the body and we will definitely be hearing more and more about the negative impact it has on our society. In fact some states are looking into outlawing its use in containers that are used to store food and beverages, especially baby bottles and formula cans. Babies are more susceptible to having a higher concentration because their systems are slower to break BPA down. Another reason that babies face the highest exposure is because BPA leaches out 55 times faster when exposed to hot liquids or heat in general. Baby bottles are routinely placed in hot water to warm up the formula, which itself contains BPA from the container it is stored in. However drinking from plastic water bottles can also increase a person’s exposure to BPA. Researchers from Harvard found that people who drank from clear plastic polycarbonate bottles for a week increased concentrations of BPA in their urine by 69 %( WOW!)
The good news is that we can greatly reduce our babies and children’s exposure by using products that are BPA free, especially bottles. You also want to take it further and look at plastic utensils and plates. Plastic plates are commonly used for infants and easy to put in the microwave, which causes an increased leaching of BPA and phthalates, another hormone disrupter. Do not forget plastic toys that babies and toddlers like to put in their mouth as well as teething devices. There are currently 7 different kinds of plastics on the market that are identified with a number 1-7 that is placed on the packaging or container for identification. Remember #3, #6, and #7 as the ones to avoid. #3 is pvc plastics that can leach out phthalates, which is also considered a hormone disrupter. #6 is polystyrene or Styrofoam plastics that leach carcinogenic toxins when heated. #7 is polycarbonate plastics that most baby bottles and reusable water bottles are made from. There are some BPA free #7 plastics that incorporate recycled material that are safe. However read the fine print to make sure that all parts of the container are made with the BPA free material. Lastly, all plastics are recyclable. Please be kind to our environment and recycle them. However, invest in products that you can reuse over and over to help reduce the carbon foot print even further.
Please check out our BPA free products at!! Use coupon code: BPA to recieve 10% off our selected BPA free products. Products include; Green to Grow Bottles, Plan Toys, Safe Sippy, Bambu and Green Toys!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Teach Our Children Well

As I eagerly await the arrival of my second son Camden, I can't help but think about how different things are the second time around (seasoned mom) some would call it.
Knowing everything I have learned the past 3 years about chemicals and toxins in baby skincare, toys, mattresses, bottles, etc...I still worry about all the other "hidden dangers" we aren't even aware about.
Everyday I come across new eco-friendly companies dedicated to making our world and children a little greener and ultimately healthier. This makes me very excited and hopeful for Camden and my older son, Bryan's future.
As a 'seasoned mom' I feel it's my responsibility to teach my children the importance of taking care of mother earth and to never take her for granted.
The other day my husband and I were out to lunch with our 3year old son, Bryan. The waitress brought out his kids menu and crayons to occupy his time. On the inside of the menu was a picture of a recycling bin and the recycling symbol. My son says, "look mommy that is a recycle." Needless to say this brought a smile to my face and a small since of accomplishment.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Why Organic Cotton?

If you haven't already made the switch to organic cotton I promise all it takes is just one purchase of an organic onesie for your baby and you are hooked! Organic cotton is soooo soft! When my first son was born I never even heard of organic cotton. But as I have become more Eco-conscious and green minded, organic cotton is the way to go (especially for newborns.)
It is grown without the use of chemicals, pesticides or genetically modified organisms that may disagree with the delicate skin of babies. Conventional cotton uses 25% of all pesticides amounting to 50 million pounds on US fields alone! According to WHO, 20,000 deaths occur each year from pesticide poisoning in developing countries. In fact, just one tee shirt made from conventional cotton takes 1/4 pound of chemicals!
Extra softness is an added bonus considering all the benefits for the planet and its people. Yes, organic cotton is a little more expensive but isn't your babies health and future worth the extra cost? This is why Grow Green Baby only offers organic clothing, bedding, blankets, mattresses, towels, plush toys and more. How could we not? To learn more about why organic cotton go to To shop our entire line of organic clothing, bedding, blankets and more visit

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Shoo bugs! Don't bother me.

Insects, they love me. Especially the kind that bite! Every year before my son was born I was the first in line to purchase insect repellent at the start of bug season. Living in the south bug season starts in April and ends in October (if I'm lucky.) I never thought once of reading the ingredients in insect repellent. My main concern was did it work! Then my son Bryan was born. Unfortunately those nasty pests love him too. But with him being a baby I wasn't sure what to use on his sensitive skin and of course I worried about all those ingredients and their effects on him.
I started researching bug sprays and the chemicals found in them. I was shocked with what I found! At present, DEET is used in more than 230 products with concentrations up to 100 percent. It is the most common ingredient found in insect repellents. Duke University Medical Center pharmacologist Mohamed Abou-Donia has spent 30 years researching the effects of pesticides. He has found that prolonged exposure to DEET can impair functioning in parts of the brain. "Damage to these areas could result in problems with muscle coordination, muscle weakness, walking or even memory and cognition." Abou-Donia also warns to never put a product containing DEET on an infant's or child's skin. The side-effects could be even more serious.
So, my next mission was to find a bug spray that was not only deet free but all natural and most importantly protected my son from those harmful pests. Let me tell you, I have tried several sprays. It wasn’t until recently that I came across the #1 deet free, all natural bug spray, Bite Blocker. They even make herbal wipes for easier applications to infants. This all natural, deet free herbal bug spray is perfect for little ones with sensitive skin. You can even spray on their cloths. If you re-apply every 2-3 hours, studies have shown it to be as effective as Deet 7%! This is the best of it's kind. Made with Soybean Oil, Purified Water, Coconut Oil, Glycerin, Geranium Oil, Citric Acid, Lecithin, Sodium Bicarbonate and Vanilla.
To get your little one ready for bug season, shop our store for Bite Blockers All Natural, Deet Free Bug Spray. Happy day for baby, sad day for bugs!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grow Green Baby's Earth Day Giveaways!

Congratulations to two lucky winners of our Earth Day Giveaway! Pamela Shockley from Carmel, IN received an organic swaddle blanket in sage from SwaddleDesigns. The winner of the VedaMama Relax Body Cream went to Mrs. Wahlberg from Scituate, MA. Congratulations again ladies! If you too want to take advantage of our giveaways, sales and promotions then go to and sign up to receive our monthly newsletters!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Earth Day, Everyday.

Earth Day is April 22! The offical day to celebrate the environment. The first Earth Day was organized in 1970 to promote the ideas of ecology, encourage respect for life on earth, and highlight growing concerns over pollution of the soil, air, and water. Earth Day is now observed in 140 nations with outdoor performances, exhibits, street fairs, and television programs that focus on environmental issues. Need any ideas to help you celebrate this day with your kids?

  • Reduce Electricity

Explain to your children that lights, computers and televisions use energy and that energy is in short supply. Teach your child to “turn it off!” when they leave the room.

  • Take Small Steps

There are lots of “baby steps” your kids can take every day to save energy and keep the world cleaner and greener. Your kids can:
· Shut off the water when they brush their teeth
· Walk, ride a bike or take the bus instead of traveling by car
· Take faster showers or baths in just a small amount of water
· Help hang clothes on the line instead of putting them in the dryer
· Choose products that are not over packaged

  • Recycle

Explain to your kids that every bottle and can they use is waste that just sits in a big pile at the local dump if we don’t recycle. Get them involved by making it their job to sort recyclables and take them out for pickup depending on their age. Consider recycled craft activities too!

  • Compost

Buy a composter, fill it with kitchen scraps and garden waste on a daily basis and even help stir it to get things breaking down. Trust me, your child will love this. And, in a few months when you’ve got compost, they can take part in spreading it over the garden and seeing how “garbage” can become rich dark dirt to make a garden grow.

  • Donate Gently Used Items.

If your children have old clothing, toys, shoes, or other items in reusable condition, make a family trip down to the donation center so they can see how their trash is someone else's treasure.

  • Make A Reusable Bag

Plastic shopping bas are a big garbage problem -- it takes 1,000 years for a bag to break down! Have your kids help you choose some heavy fabric and sew it into simple rectangular bags with handles. Or, buy some canvas bags at a craft or environmentally friendly gift shop. Then use fabric pens to draw pictures on them. Take the bags out with you every time you shop.

  • Enjoy The Earth

Kids have to love the world to want to protect it. So take nature walks and look at the trees, flowers and sky. Encourage them to take pictures, draw pictures, read books and write stories about the world and its beauty.

Earth Day Giveaway!

See what others are saying about the products we have to offer here at Grow Green Baby!
Follow the latest post on sage& Leave a comment on their blog site and enter to win our generous Earth Day Giveaway of a SwaddleDesigns Organic Blanket in Kiwi!! Contest ends April 21.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Toxic Tub Time?

The Green Community is already buzzing about a new report that came out regarding toxic chemicals in childrens' and baby skin care products. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics published a press release outlining their findings from independent studies and some tips on what to do.
The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics tested dozens of mainstream baby care products ranging from Johnson & Johnson, Baby Magic, Suave and Mustela and
found cancer-causing formaldehyde and 1,4 dioxane in many of them. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics commissioned an independent laboratory to test 48 products for 1,4-dioxane; 28 of those products were also tested for formaldehyde. The lab found that:
-17 out of 28 products tested – 61 percent – contained both formaldehyde and 1,4-dioxane.
- 23 out of 28 products – 82 percent – contained formaldehyde at levels ranging from 54 to 610 parts per million (ppm).
- 32 out of 48 products – 67 percent – contained 1,4-dioxane at levels ranging from 0.27 to 35 ppm.

From The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics: Formaldehyde contaminates personal care products when common preservatives release formaldehyde over time in the container.
Common ingredients likely to contaminate products with formaldehyde include; quaternium-15, DMDM hydantoin, imidazolidinyl urea and diazolidinyl urea. Formaldehyde is classified as a probable human carcinogen by the EPA and is known to cause allergic reactions and rashed in some people.
1,4-dioxane is a byproduct of a chemical processing technique called ethoxylation, in which cosmetic ingredients are processed with ethylene oxide.
Manufacturers can easily remove the toxic byproduct, but are not required by law to do so. Common ingredients likely to be contaminated with 1,4-dioxane include: PEG-100 stearate, sodium laureth sulfate, polyethylene and ceteareth-20.
How do you keep your baby safe?
Buy natural! TruKid products contain certified organic and natural ingredients. All products are non-toxic and Gluten-free! This means it contains non of the bad stuff!The Environmental Working Group has given TruKid's entire line the safety rating of 0-4! That is THE BEST RATING out of any kids' line on the market. Trukid encourages kids to form healthy habits that last a lifetime. By combining all natural skincare with fun and education, TruKid cultivates a relationship between healthy habits and being a kid. In turn, their goal is that kids will grow up taking care of themselves, each other and their environment. Shop at for all your natural and organic skincare needs.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Parabens. The Dirty Truth!

You would think that chemicals would have no place in your child’s body lotions and creams, shampoos, bubble bath and even toothpaste, but think again. We take the time to read the ingredients in the food we eat but have you ever stopped to read the labels of these common skincare products we all use on our little ones everyday, including ourselves! Did you know that the skincare and cosmetics industry is one of the least regulated in the United States? Why is this? Our skin is the largest organ we have and to think we are applying these chemicals to our skin and especially the delicate skin of our children is alarming to say the least.
What chemicals specifically? Parabens. Wikipedia describes “parabens” as: ‘a group of chemicals widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. These chemicals are used primarily for their bacteriocidal and fungicidal properties.’ Some of the chemical compounds can be listed as : methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben.
So, the important question we all need to ask; how do our bodies and the growing bodies of our children respond to these chemicals once they are absorbed or ingested? Parabens have been known to cause skin rashes and allergic reactions in some people, especially babies and toddlers with sensitive and allergy prone skin. Even more eye opening is recent research studies linking the dangers of parabens and breast cancer after parabens were found in breast tumor tissue!
The bottom line, the daily use of parabens can’t be good for your health nor your baby’s health. I suggest using natural products in your families’ skin care regime. Read the labels of the products you are buying. At Grow Green Baby we offer only natural, non-toxic and chemical free skin care for babies, toddlers and moms to be! Vedapure, TruKid and Belliskincare are all skin care products free of parabens and other harmful and harsh chemicals.
To learn more about the dangers in skin care products you may visit

Friday, February 20, 2009

Life Changing!!

I am 20 weeks along (halfway through) my second pregnancy and I have to say this time around has been a completely different experience. With my first son Bryan I was lucky not to have any morning sickness. My skin had that “pregnancy glow” and my energy was high. Well, the complete opposite is true with this pregnancy. I had morning, noon and night sickness. There were many nights my husband had to fend for himself in the kitchen and it was all I could do to prepare my 2 ½ year old son a wholesome meal 3 times a day. The thought, smell and taste of food made me want to visit the restroom on many occasions. And then I hit the 14 week mark and my love for food has returned (maybe all too well)! The other battle I was faced with was the return of teenage acne! Luckily, this time around I am very aware of what you can and can not use during pregnancy in your skincare regime (salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, Vitamin A, Parabens) all are chemicals or ingredients that have been linked to birth defects. Thank god for Belli Skincare is all I have to say!! It has truly been a life changing experience for my skin. Belli Pregnancy is the only line in the world that Teratology Screens each ingredient to make sure they are not absorbed into your bloodstream, where they can pass into baby’s circulation. All of their products are allergy tested, free of artificial dyes, chemicals and harmful ingredients. The Acne Clearing Facial Wash uses the safest hydroxyacid to lift away dirt, oil and bacteria. You can even use it as a 5 minute mask and a spot treatment to help dry out those stubborn blemishes. Belli also makes a great sunscreen that’s safe to use during and after pregnancy to help prevent brown spots common in 70% of pregnant women. I made the mistake during my last pregnancy of basking in the sun without sunscreen. Needless to say, I ruined my skin and had major hyperpigmentation as a result. A mistake I don't plan to make twice. The sunscreen is non greasy and doesn’t break my skin out like most sunscreens. To view more of the Belli Skincare Pregnancy and Motherhood line please visit I promise you will love Belli Skincare as much as I do!!