The Today Show goes Green! Companies such as Green Toys, Little Twig, and Simply Fido are among the favorite Eco-Friendly companies offering safer, eco-friendly products for kids and pets.
I found a great post from Here is a list of some very simple Earth Day Resolutions you and your family can make. What better time to make those small changes to better your child's future in a big way.
People tell you life is going to change when you have a little one. I think I heard it a million times when we were expecting our first son Bryan. Well, they were right. Life does change, for the better, and when is a better time to change our old habits and selfish ways? When my son, Bryan, was born, it was a feeling only a mother can describe. At the time, the press was talking about the problems with overseas production of baby products, especially toys. I then went to a site about toxins in skincare and it really hit home. I became extremely worried and thought, Bryan is only a baby and what affect is all of this going to have on him! We then became obsessed about not only lotions and diaper creams but sunscreens. We ventured further from there and researched about non organic cotton, BPA in plastics, Phthalates, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), lead, VOC (volatile organic compounds) and other toxins. We could not readily find a one stop shop to get all safe, natural, 100% eco friendly and organic products for our baby. Thus, Grow Green Baby was born. Now my whole family loves the color green!